The best thing you can do for your dog is, take the time to work with them on the training and behaviour your both need to get along better. Your dog did not choose to come live with you, nor does he know the Christmas tree is not for eating or peeing on, the presents you just spent hours wrapping were not all for him, nor that the fab food you have prepared for your friends calling around later was not a sample plate for him!
Between now and the new year, take the time to factor your dogs needs along with the rest of the families. Exercise, mental stimulation, enrichment, heath, diet and rest.
Your best friend for the new 3 weeks while the silly season kicks off in earnest is control and management. If you don’t want your dogs chewing on the kids Christmas toys, make sure they are put away when not being used, when you are going out to visit friends plan to  walk you dog beforehand and leave them with a yummy frozen Kong or K9 Connectable treat to keep them busy and entertained. When  you need to keep them busy for a an hour, prep a frozen lick mat to keep them occupied &  keep all harmful food away from stealthy canine teeth, Christmas Pudding, Chocolate, cooked bones, etc. The last thing anyone wants is a Christmas Eve visit to the vets when all you had to do was put the lid back on the box of quality street!
If you haven’t all ready, make it your New Years resolution to sign up for some training with your dog and get all the advise you need from a qualified dog trainer or behaviourist. If you are not sure who is local to you, pop us a message and we may be able to help
#christmastips #dogsofdublin #dogtraining #setthemupforsuccess #trainnotblame #controlandmanagement #dogsrule