We are getting lots of enquiries about our at home training consults and what they entail so for all who are interested.
If you wish to book a private at home training consult, the first step is to call PDT on 01 9013081 or email us on info@positivedogtraining.ie and we can discuss what issues you are having. We can accommodate private consultations throughout the week, in the evening and on Saturdays. We do allow the training team to take Sundays off!
One of the team will come and visit and work with you and your dog in your home. The session will last 90 minutes and following the visit you will get a personalised training plan that will work for you and your dog, email and phone support from your trainer.
Common issues we deal with during private sessions.
- Prepping your home for a new puppy
- Toilet Training
- Barkin
- Lead walking issues
- Recall training
- Issues with Children and your dog
- Impulse Control
- Correct handling procedures
- Prepping your dog for new baby pending arrival.
We also offer private training sessions in the Positive Dog Training centre. For more information call us on 0 19013018 or email info@positivedogtraining.ie